Recommendations and updates from other committees

to Cabinet on 7 April 2022



Scrutiny Committee


The committee met on 21 March to discuss:

·         The corporate plan performance monitoring report for quarter 3, 2021/22.  The committee welcomed the report and made the following suggestions:

-     ensure year-end data was ready to assist in budget preparation for future years;

-     present the lowlights as well as highlights to shift focus towards delivery and making improvements.  Committee members were asked to identify areas where this was necessary;

-     the key paragraphs were praised for being useful;

-     add a note to items where it is only possible to have an annual update but where work is progressing throughout the year. 

·         The communications and engagement strategy was supported.  The committee made the following suggestions:

-     improve clarity of the vision statement

-     in terms of how the council engaged hard-to-reach communities, suggest that the council produces easy-read documents  

-     ask that Scrutiny Committee has the opportunity to review the draft press and media protocol  

-     congratulate officers for improving communications 



Joint Audit and Governance Committee


The committee met on 29 March to discuss:

·         The statement of accounts for 2021/22 – the committee noted that the statement of accounts for 2021/22 were not ready for sign-off by the external auditor or for consideration by committee.  It was hoped that the accounts would be presented to the committee in May.  In the meantime, the committee approved the statement of accounting policies for each council. 

·         The internal audit plan 2022/23 – the committee approved the internal audit plan for 2022/23, which set out the planned audits for the year

·         The revised code of conduct was approved for recommendation on to the Council in May. 



Climate and Ecological Emergencies Advisory Committee


The Climate and Ecological Emergencies Advisory Committee met on 4 April to discuss:

·         The latest on the Environment Act and its implications.  The committee received a high-level presentation of what is known now.  There will be an ongoing update at each committee meeting. 

·         The Water Resources South East proposals for futureproofing water supplies.   The committee received a presentation on the process involved in progressing infrastructure development.  The committee also reviewed and supported the submitted consultation response on Water Resources South East’s emerging regional plan.  

·         Biodiversity – supporting householders on net gain.  The committee reviewed a note prepared by officers in response to a request from Councillor Caroline Newton.  The committee noted the information provided but suggested adding a headline to planning application forms to remind applicants to be mindful of biodiversity.  The committee also suggested that the council should collate expertise and advice on biodiversity projects and share it. 

·         The climate themes of the corporate plan performance monitoring report for quarter 3, 2021/22.  The committee welcomed the report and noted that in the next quarterly report there would be an annual summary. 



Democratic Services

7 April 2022